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Uluas like to live in coral reefs and drop offs into deep ocean. Juvenile Ulua lives more in small rivers and travel downstream to open ocean,  then find their way to reef. Giant Ulua like to live in the deep ocean where it can roam freely in the currents. Uluas hunt in shallow reefs where large swells pick up small particles that smaller fish like mullet, Roi, Menpachi, and other bait fish, eat which makes them come out from hiding where the Ulua can strike and kill.  


Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Islands in the Polynesian Triangle, Southeastern part of Africa, Australia, Indonesia,and Japan

Size & Age

Uluas mature at the age of 3-4 years. They are usually 60cm at that age which means they grow very fast. Large adult Uluas can grow to 1.7 meters and 200lb and even heavier which shows that they are beasts.

Adult Ulua

200lb 1.9m

using popping method in Australia

Juvenile Uluas 

5-8lb 10in

caught by me at Kukio using whipping method



​The predators of the Uluas are sharks and man. Sharks attack Ulua when they are vulnerable like when they're hurt or stuck on someone's fishing pole. Man are big threats because fisherman overfish on Ulua but now their trying to tag and release.

​The Ulua has a lot of preys because they almost eat anything. Ulua eats baitfish (small fish) such as mullet, Roi, Menpachi,Oama and also other kinds of sea animals like Squid, Eel, and Dolphin. They even eat their own.


For lots of fishermen, there is one characteristic that is used to classify the apex predator of the ocean which is the GT or Ulua that has a steep rounded head shape and a thick muscular body. The Ulua has a thick muscular midsection and a big tail almost like a paddle. That's one reason why it has the power to stun or even kill its prey with one strike.


The Ulua can range from a lighter shade such as white to silver or it can be a darker color like jet black. They also show a golden color on their body especially on fins. Light silver lines are displayed on the top portion of a Ulua from striking their prey. Black dots are shown on none to most of midsection.


Small sharp plates on the back portion of its body used for protection from predators.

Ulua facts

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